Tuesday, September 4, 2012

ABC's of Reading

ABC's of Reading

Ask for help after trying a strategy
Blend sounds together
Comprehension= there needs to be a story, movie moving in your mind
Do it with a friend.  Buddy reading is a great way to go!
Easy books are okay.  Every once in awhile pick up an easy book to read just for fun.  Just don't only read the easy ones, otherwise you won't get a chance to grow!
Fluency  Fluency doesn't mean fast, it means a speed that makes the reading make sense and flow
Goldilocks.  Think, just right.  Find the fit for you.  It won't be the same for everyone
Have fun.  Make sure that you are reading something that you want to read, don't just read to get it done
I PICK  I pick means... I choose the book that I want to read for the purpose that is meaningful for me
Just do it.  Sit down, find a space and read, read, read
Know the words.  Make sure that you know most of the words that you are reading, not just being able to say them, but understanding them as well
Love it.  Love reading, it'll make it more fun
Meaning.  If you aren't making meaning while you are reading go back and try again until you understand what you are reading
Never give up. You might just have a book that is too easy or too hard.  Look for the good fit book and keep trying.  It may be that the book isn't your kind of book, so try something else
On your own.  Reading on your own can be great, give it a try!
Purpose.  Think about why you are reading.  If the book matches your purpose, then go for it!
Question.  While you are reading ask yourself questions.  Stop after a chapter, or a few pages and make sure you are still getting it.  Ask deep questions too, why did the author write it this way?, etc
Read, read, read.  it is the only way to get better
Savor the moments.  read and reread if you loved the book.
Tell someone about it.  If you loved the book, then tell a friend, a teacher, a sibling.  Reading should be social!
Understanding is essential
Voracious reading.  Read all the time that you can, you will be amazed at how much you grow!
Wonder.  While you read wonder about all parts of the book...
X marks the spot. Find a great spot and sit and read
Yearn to learn more.  Reading can take you to places, so find where you want to go and do it!
Zero in on captions, pictures, graphs and all other text features.  When you are reading a nonfiction text remember to look at all the parts that make it up~