Literacy Matters: A Teacher's Journey Through Writing
I am a literacy specialist. My goal is to teach students to be lifelong readers and writers. I do this through living my life the same way. I will be sharing ways to motivate readers and writers on the journeys they are beginning.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Friday, January 11, 2013
High School Reflections
What is something you wish you were told as a high schooler?
That popularity in high school has absolutely nothing to do with overall success and happiness in life. That is completely true. I would never consider myself "popular" while in high school, not in the way that some people were, but if you think about it in real terms I was more popular than many people since I was good to people. I was president of our class and I did lots of good things. I had friends of all kinds and I wasn't judgmental. That was my problem in middle school I didn't get that. I struggled a lot to try to fit in and have a boyfriend and all of that. Turned out I was the first of many of my friends to get married and I have maintained the good friendships in my life. I'm afraid at the time I wouldn't have been able to hear it. I'm pretty sure my cheerleading coach Shelley tried to tell me such things. Even to this day when friends tell me that I was popular or whatnot I don't believe it. I think part of the problem was that some of the people in high school make you feel bad when they are feeling bad about themselves. After watching Bowling For Columbine by Michael Moore I felt the urgency of understanding this idea even more. I think that if I could tell all high schoolers that in just a few years they won't have to be in contact with anyone from high school unless they want to and that they can move beyond living in the little island called high school if they needed to. The roles we give ourselves in high school can come to an end and immediately be free if we are able to see this truth. I did a writing prompt with students today about popularity and kindness. One child said, "You don't have to be rich to be kind" and I thought it was so fitting and thoughtful. All of the responses were so meaningful. I don't believe in time travel but if it ever comes to fruition I do believe that I would use it to go back and talk to my high school self and encourage her and let her know that the person you are today is only temporary, good things will become of you!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Therapy for Snow White
(this is from a prompt at: Write about a Disney Princess as if she is talking to her therapist)
Why did my mom have to die when I was so young? At birth? Tragic. I hate this! Then I got so close to my daddy and he remarried a witch of a woman and then I'm sure she poisoned him and then tried to kill me. If it wasn't for the huntsman I would have died instantly. He had mercy on me thankfully. I just don't get it. Why is it that every woman in my life hates me? I'm not bragging about being the fairest of them all, but I keep getting in trouble because of my beauty, which I challenge. Who likes a pale girl anyways? I burn instantly if ever I go in the sunlight and it is so boring to be constantly in the dreary cloudy sky. How frustrating! Then when I finally escape I have to live with seven little men. They are so sweet, though they sing all the time the same song, over and over again. They invited me in happily even though Grumpy really didn't want me there. Happy let me in, and I'm pretty sure Sneezy wanted me there too, I couldn't tell for sure though since he incessantly was sneezing while trying to sputter something out. Doc was so busy trying to take my temperature and read my other stats that he didn't respond to the inquiry of staying there either. Dopey was, as usually confused about what was going on. Do I love his smile though! Bashful wouldn't look me in the eyes but I could see him nodding his head when he thought I wasn't paying attention. Sleepy, as to be expected was in his room taking his third nap of the day. (He usually takes 6 at least!) They were quite the welcoming committee for certain. I loved taking care of them and making them healthier dinners at night after their long days at the coal mine. I have never thought of myself as motherly but with those seven men I found myself quite useful around the house tidying up and keeping their bellies full. They were the best friends ever. I am constantly impressed with how protective they were of me immediately. They are still blaming themselves that I ate that poisoned apple. They couldn't see the wickedness of my stepmother. Her trickery was beyond their grasp. Whose grasp isn't it beyond, honestly? I'm constantly in awe of the experiences I've endured. It is no surprise to me at all that I need to see a counselor. I don't know how I've survived thus far without one to tell you the truth. No mother, dead dad, evil stepmother, living with seven strange men, and being here to tell the story is beyond the word miracle. They haven't invented a word that fulfills that description enough. Wow. I'm going to be grateful each and every day that I'm here to tell the story of my crazy twisted up life.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
ABC's of Reading
ABC's of Reading
Ask for help after trying a strategy
Blend sounds together
Comprehension= there needs to be a story, movie moving in your mind
Do it with a friend. Buddy reading is a great way to go!
Easy books are okay. Every once in awhile pick up an easy book to read just for fun. Just don't only read the easy ones, otherwise you won't get a chance to grow!
Fluency Fluency doesn't mean fast, it means a speed that makes the reading make sense and flow
Goldilocks. Think, just right. Find the fit for you. It won't be the same for everyone
Have fun. Make sure that you are reading something that you want to read, don't just read to get it done
I PICK I pick means... I choose the book that I want to read for the purpose that is meaningful for me
Just do it. Sit down, find a space and read, read, read
Know the words. Make sure that you know most of the words that you are reading, not just being able to say them, but understanding them as well
Love it. Love reading, it'll make it more fun
Meaning. If you aren't making meaning while you are reading go back and try again until you understand what you are reading
Never give up. You might just have a book that is too easy or too hard. Look for the good fit book and keep trying. It may be that the book isn't your kind of book, so try something else
On your own. Reading on your own can be great, give it a try!
Purpose. Think about why you are reading. If the book matches your purpose, then go for it!
Question. While you are reading ask yourself questions. Stop after a chapter, or a few pages and make sure you are still getting it. Ask deep questions too, why did the author write it this way?, etc
Read, read, read. it is the only way to get better
Savor the moments. read and reread if you loved the book.
Tell someone about it. If you loved the book, then tell a friend, a teacher, a sibling. Reading should be social!
Understanding is essential
Voracious reading. Read all the time that you can, you will be amazed at how much you grow!
Wonder. While you read wonder about all parts of the book...
X marks the spot. Find a great spot and sit and read
Yearn to learn more. Reading can take you to places, so find where you want to go and do it!
Zero in on captions, pictures, graphs and all other text features. When you are reading a nonfiction text remember to look at all the parts that make it up~
Friday, August 24, 2012
Rare Things

A mother who sits and reads while her children play peacefully
Waking up and wanting to get moving before your alarm clock rings
Eating chocolate and not gaining weight
Making a family dinner that every member will want to partake in
Having enough time to read all the books you want to read
Wives who take out the garbage
Husbands who notice dishes and laundry being done
Pets who don't beg for dinner early
Students who ask for more homework
Money to buy clothing when you want it, and shopping for clothing when you have money and having some clothing actually there that you want to buy.
Parents who don't tell you how to do things, even when you are grownups
Teachers getting paid the money they deserve
Stay at home moms getting paid for the hard work that they do
Not having to pay back snow days when you live in upstate New York
Family vacations being relaxing
This writing prompt was taken from I love this blog, I always seem to find new ideas to write about from this blog! Be sure to check it out!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
ABC's of writing
Awe. Be aware of awe and wonder in your writing. Ask questions and think about your dreams
Brave. Be brave. Write about things that really matter even if it might be difficult.
Collaborate. Talk to friends about ideas they are writing about.
Draft. Do a first draft and then look back and polish it up.
Exciting. Make sure to include excitement in your writing.
Free writing. Try to start with free writing. After you write for a few minutes you'll get a sense of what you want to write about then you can do it.
Go for the jugular! (thank you Natalie Goldberg)
Have fun. Writing should be fun. Be creative and write something you would like to read.
Interest. Write about something that you are interested in.
Just do it. Begin. You will never know what story lies within you unless you begin.
Keep writing. Don't stop.
Let the ideas flow. Let yourself go. Whatever comes to mind write it.
Make mistakes. You can always go back and fix them later. Sometimes mistakes lead to the best writing.
Never give up. If writing is hard for you, keep trying and doing your best, eventually the practice will pay off and it'll come easier.
Observe the world around you. Your experiences make the best topics of writing.
Poetry can take many forms. Haiku, free verse, couplet. Invent your own if you want.
Questions. Sometimes the best way to write is to start with a question. Research. Take time to know your subject well
Share with friends so they can help you revise or just enjoy what you wrote! Take your time. No need to rush. Writing is a process, not a product.
Use prompts if they help you
Vocabulary. Use the words to make your writing interesting to the reader. Write what you know.
X marks the spot. Find a comfy place to write or get comfortable where you are writing so you can stay focused and engaged.
Yearn to keep on writing. Passion in writing makes it more interesting.
Zero pressure. Don't succumb to pressure when writing. Take the time to just write whatever is on your mind, even if it is repeating over and over again.
Brave. Be brave. Write about things that really matter even if it might be difficult.
Collaborate. Talk to friends about ideas they are writing about.
Draft. Do a first draft and then look back and polish it up.
Exciting. Make sure to include excitement in your writing.
Free writing. Try to start with free writing. After you write for a few minutes you'll get a sense of what you want to write about then you can do it.
Go for the jugular! (thank you Natalie Goldberg)
Have fun. Writing should be fun. Be creative and write something you would like to read.
Interest. Write about something that you are interested in.
Just do it. Begin. You will never know what story lies within you unless you begin.
Keep writing. Don't stop.
Let the ideas flow. Let yourself go. Whatever comes to mind write it.
Make mistakes. You can always go back and fix them later. Sometimes mistakes lead to the best writing.
Never give up. If writing is hard for you, keep trying and doing your best, eventually the practice will pay off and it'll come easier.
Observe the world around you. Your experiences make the best topics of writing.
Poetry can take many forms. Haiku, free verse, couplet. Invent your own if you want.
Questions. Sometimes the best way to write is to start with a question. Research. Take time to know your subject well
Share with friends so they can help you revise or just enjoy what you wrote! Take your time. No need to rush. Writing is a process, not a product.
Use prompts if they help you
Vocabulary. Use the words to make your writing interesting to the reader. Write what you know.
X marks the spot. Find a comfy place to write or get comfortable where you are writing so you can stay focused and engaged.
Yearn to keep on writing. Passion in writing makes it more interesting.
Zero pressure. Don't succumb to pressure when writing. Take the time to just write whatever is on your mind, even if it is repeating over and over again.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Alphabetical Advice
I was browsing through different blogs and a few nights ago I came across a blog that posts writing prompts every few days. I loved it immediately! I decided to use one of the prompts today for my writing and here it is:
The link below is a link the blog where I found this:
Writing Prompts Blog
My Alphabetical Advice:
Always do your best. (4 agreements) Enough said.
Be yourself. Yourself is good enough.
Consider others feelings before you speak or act.
Don't make assumptions. (4 agreements)
Easy does it. Don't overdo anything. Don't go on a crazy diet, don't push too much with exercise. Just ease into it and do what you can.
Food is meant to be good. Eat what you want, in moderation.
Girls just wanna have fun. It's true, they do. Boys can too of course. But just make sure no matter what gender you are, that you have fun in your life!
Hope for the best. (otherwise what good is hope anyways?)
I believe in love. (Love is incredible)
Just do it. If you haven't tried something new today, go ahead and do it, it may turn into your favorite thing!
Kindness can go a long way. Try to always act with kindness first.
Love yourself first. If you don't love yourself first, then how will you ever have enough in you to love others?
Make time for family. Put your family first. Don't fret about cleaning and chores all the time.
Spend time with your family instead.
No excuses. Don't make excuses for your actions. Say your sorry and move forward.
Openness. Be open to others ideas and suggestions, but make the decision on your own.
Pictures. Take pictures of special occasions, but remember you need to be in them too, and not to spend all your time taking pictures, live in the moment too!
Queen for the day. Dress up and look fancy, if it makes you feel great, do it!
Right wrongs. Say you're sorry when you need to. It means a lot!
Simple is best. Don't over complicate your life. Simplicity is key!
Talk it out. Don't let frustrations fester inside you, take the time to talk things out with those you love.
Use your time as you wish. Your time is precious, spend it how you want to.
Value experiences over things. Rather than always buying something for someone or yourself, consider going to a play, concert, or getting a massage. We don't need to accumulate so much!
Wonder. Wondering is dreaming while awake. Take time to wonder every day.
X marks the spot. Find the spot you love and be there whenever you can for moments of calmness.
Yearn to know more. Be a lifelong learner. There is never a better time to learn something new than right now!
Zaniness is fantastic! Don't be afraid to be wild and crazy.
The link below is a link the blog where I found this:
Writing Prompts Blog
My Alphabetical Advice:
Always do your best. (4 agreements) Enough said.
Be yourself. Yourself is good enough.
Consider others feelings before you speak or act.
Don't make assumptions. (4 agreements)
Easy does it. Don't overdo anything. Don't go on a crazy diet, don't push too much with exercise. Just ease into it and do what you can.
Food is meant to be good. Eat what you want, in moderation.
Girls just wanna have fun. It's true, they do. Boys can too of course. But just make sure no matter what gender you are, that you have fun in your life!
Hope for the best. (otherwise what good is hope anyways?)
I believe in love. (Love is incredible)
Just do it. If you haven't tried something new today, go ahead and do it, it may turn into your favorite thing!
Kindness can go a long way. Try to always act with kindness first.
Love yourself first. If you don't love yourself first, then how will you ever have enough in you to love others?
Make time for family. Put your family first. Don't fret about cleaning and chores all the time.
Spend time with your family instead.
No excuses. Don't make excuses for your actions. Say your sorry and move forward.
Openness. Be open to others ideas and suggestions, but make the decision on your own.
Pictures. Take pictures of special occasions, but remember you need to be in them too, and not to spend all your time taking pictures, live in the moment too!
Queen for the day. Dress up and look fancy, if it makes you feel great, do it!
Right wrongs. Say you're sorry when you need to. It means a lot!
Simple is best. Don't over complicate your life. Simplicity is key!
Talk it out. Don't let frustrations fester inside you, take the time to talk things out with those you love.
Use your time as you wish. Your time is precious, spend it how you want to.
Value experiences over things. Rather than always buying something for someone or yourself, consider going to a play, concert, or getting a massage. We don't need to accumulate so much!
Wonder. Wondering is dreaming while awake. Take time to wonder every day.
X marks the spot. Find the spot you love and be there whenever you can for moments of calmness.
Yearn to know more. Be a lifelong learner. There is never a better time to learn something new than right now!
Zaniness is fantastic! Don't be afraid to be wild and crazy.
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