Thursday, August 2, 2012

ABC's of writing

Awe. Be aware of awe and wonder in your writing. Ask questions and think about your dreams 
Brave. Be brave. Write about things that really matter even if it might be difficult.
Collaborate. Talk to friends about ideas they are writing about. 
Draft. Do a first draft and then look back and polish it up. 
Exciting. Make sure to include excitement in your writing. 
Free writing. Try to start with free writing. After you write for a few minutes you'll get a sense of what you want to write about then you can do it. 
Go for the jugular! (thank you Natalie Goldberg
Have fun. Writing should be fun. Be creative and write something you would like to read. 
Interest. Write about something that you are interested in. 
Just do it. Begin. You will never know what story lies within you unless you begin. 
Keep writing. Don't stop. 
Let the ideas flow. Let yourself go. Whatever comes to mind write it. 
Make mistakes. You can always go back and fix them later. Sometimes mistakes lead to the best writing. 
Never give up. If writing is hard for you, keep trying and doing your best, eventually the practice will pay off and it'll come easier. 
Observe the world around you. Your experiences make the best topics of writing. 

Poetry can take many forms. Haiku, free verse, couplet. Invent your own if you want. 
Questions. Sometimes the best way to write is to start with a question. Research. Take time to know your subject well 
Share with friends so they can help you revise or just enjoy what you wrote! Take your time. No need to rush. Writing is a process, not a product. 
Use prompts if they help you 
Vocabulary. Use the words to make your writing interesting to the reader. Write what you know. 
X marks the spot. Find a comfy place to write or get comfortable where you are writing so you can stay focused and engaged. 
Yearn to keep on writing. Passion in writing makes it more interesting. 
Zero pressure. Don't succumb to pressure when writing. Take the time to just write whatever is on your mind, even if it is repeating over and over again.

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