Thursday, July 26, 2012

7 Valleys Writing Project Shout out

I'm on the eve of my final day at the 7VWP Summer Institute.  I can't sleep because I am both excited and sad at the same time.  Mostly, I'm filled with a million different ideas of what to do and where to go.  I actually want to change the name of my Blog now too, since I have morphed and I am no longer going to simply have the identity of Reading Teacher, since now I see myself as a Writer and a much better prepared Writing Teacher.  I owe a world of thanks to David, Danielle and Kathryn for all they did to make this institute what it is (was...).  The impeccable way that Danielle and Kathryn model co-teaching is inspiring.  Writing to Learn has transformed my way of thinking and eventually my way of teaching.  Basically, these 3 weeks have blown my world up in such an exciting way.  I also would like to say a huge thank you to my cohorts this summer as well.  Thank you James, Shannon, Lauryn and Wendy (who joined us most of this week).  I am very grateful that my colleague, Marilyn, introduced me to the 7VWP. Thank you Amy for all your support with my demo, burning question work, and being an amazing editor of my writing! Inspiration like this has the momentum to move mountains.  I am going to sing it loud and proud that this is the place to go to improve your practice and become a lifelong writer.  To quote Flashdance, "Take your passion, and make it happen!"  This will be me from here on out.

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