Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Teacher Reflection 

I learned... that sometimes it is more important to be flexible than it is to be right. Sounds pretty simple and I probably should have learned it earlier on in life. Well, this year I had many opportunities to practice this. When I felt like a roadblock was put in front of me I took 2 steps back and reflected rather than allowing myself to succumb to the incessant need to be correct. This helped so much. I was able to take the time needed to grow and listen.

I was stretched by... really having to figure out an organization plan and stick to it. It is amazing how much of a positive impact a filing cabinet can make. I now have a place to put everything. How have I done it thus far without one? Well, thankfully I have one now. I'm also accumulating more bookshelves. It seemed so bizarre to me that a reading teacher would be given bookshelves. Well ask and ye shall receive! I know I have a lot more to do in this area both professionally and at home but the mere fact that I care and I'm trying means I'm on the right track.

I am excited about... growing as a writer. It will help so much next year because many of my students have met their reading goals but we need to work on their writing goals. I've set a goal to write for 10 minutes every day and I feel that will help inspire my students as well. I'm also excited that I will get to work with some of my favorite teaching cohorts again next year. Some new ones too, which is usually inspiring.

I'm beginning to realize... that I can only do so much. I must prioritize and focus my energy on the things that are highest on my list. My list is also "my list". I wear the hat of the Literacy Specialist but there are many other roles and we all play our parts. This is perhaps the hardest part of my job. My passion doesn't understand limitations of time, resources or personalities. At least I'm starting to realize this though.


  1. You can only do so much, but that is a lot! I am so excited for you to begin the journey of collaborative partnerships. I know that once you find out HOW to master this in your own classroom, your colleagues will be excited to implement it in their own classrooms. Enjoy the journey!

  2. I think it's so important to realize that there is only so much we can do, only so much change we can affect. I think as teachers we spend so much time focusing on what we haven't yet done that we sometimes forget to stop and reflect on what we have accomplished. It's a challenge- that desire to always top ourselves keeps us fresh and motivated, but it can also force us to be more critical of ourselves than we need to be. I think we need to take more time in schools to celebrate the things we have already done.
