You are a mystery to me
I spent my childhood fighting you
and now my adult years
are spent trying to win you back
I love thee
I slumber and dream vividly
I awake from what I thought was a fall
and am settled to realize
that it was my subconscious mind
playing tricks on me.
You are where I find refuge
I dream and wonder
where I may go tonight
I laugh knowing
that tomorrow I won't remember
where you took me
I dream in color
I dream the same thing
over and over

Why does it feel like only a moment
has passed
since I rested my weary head
on my pillow
I awake
mostly refreshed
slightly confused
sometimes angry
at the dream maker
You offer a new adventure
every night
How did this happen
is this some kind of puppet game
are we lost in some other space
forever lingering
you impress me
you dazzle me
I want more of you
yet yearn for more hours to complete
life's other journey
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